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US Navy Information Dominance Warfare: the question is…

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 02 January 2018 07:28.

          A kiss and a medal for Jack Posobiec


Per JP 1-02, Information Operations is “the integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.”

The question is: Is their mission virtually one and the same as Israel’s at this point? .... The crew of the USS Liberty might have hoped not.

Center for International Maritime Security, Current Operations, Cyber War

CIMSEC, “Navy Information Warfare — What is it?”, 13 Sept 2016:

By Richard Mosier

U.S. Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer Breast Insignia

United States Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer warfare pin breast insignia is two-and-three-quarter inches by one-and-one-eighth inches, gold matte metal pin showing a background of ocean waves, a crossed Naval officer’s sword and lightning bolt, a fouled anchor, and a globe.

Defining a warfare area’s mission and function is the foundation for all activities required to conduct mission area analysis to determine requirements, develop doctrine and tactics, and structure, train, and equip the fleet to accomplish the mission.

Within the U.S. Navy, the terms Information Warfare (IW), Information Operations (IO), and Information Operations Warfare are widely used but not well defined. Nor are they linked to provide coherent definitions from joint and service perspectives that are essential to successful communication regarding IW’s relationship to other warfare areas and supporting activities. The result is confusion, a lack of progress in structuring, training, and equipping the U.S. Navy to perform this emerging predominant warfare area

The following are examples of how these terms mean different things to different groups:

Reference: Station Hypo, 14 Jul 16, “CWOBC, a Community’s Course“: “The Cryptologic Warfare Officer Basic Course (CWOBC) formerly known as the Information Warfare Basic Course (IWBC) is an entry level course for all officers, regardless of commission source, who are coming into the Cryptologic Warfare Officer (CWO) community. Six weeks in length with an average annual throughput of 154, the course focuses on Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), Cyber Operations, as well as security fundamentals and community history.” Inasmuch as the content of the basic course remained the same, the terms “Information Warfare” and “Cryptologic Warfare” appear to mean the same thing for this group. 

50828-N-PU674-005 PENSACOLA, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2015) Officers attending the Information Professional Basic Course at Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station listen to Rear Adm. Daniel J. MacDonnell, commander of Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command (IDCRC) and Reserve deputy commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR). Macdonnell spoke with them about career opportunities in the Information Dominance Corps and active and reserve integration.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2015) Officers attending the Information Professional Basic Course at Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station listen to Rear Adm. Daniel J. MacDonnell, commander of Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command (IDCRC) and Reserve deputy commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR). Macdonnell spoke with them about career opportunities in the Information Dominance Corps and active and reserve integration.

Reference the BUPERS Information Warfare Community Management web page. It only addresses Information Professionals (1820), Cryptologic Warfare Specialists (1810), Cyber Warfare Engineers (1840), Intelligence Officers (1830), and Oceanography Specialists (1800), implying that together this aggregation of legacy support specialties constitutes Information Warfare. All of these are restricted line designators that by definition exercise command only over organizations that perform these specialties. There are no unrestricted line designators for specializing in and exercising Information Operations Warfare Commander (IWC) functions described in Naval Warfare Publication NWP 3-56 below.

Reference: NAVADMIN 023/16, DTG 021815 Feb 16, Subject: Information Dominance Corps Re-designated Information Warfare Community. The message states Information Warfare’s mission is: “providing sufficient overmatch in command and control, understanding the battlespace and adversaries, and projecting power through and across all domains.” This description of the Information Warfare mission is substantially different from the definition of Information Operations defined by Secretary of Defense, adopted by the JCS, and reflected in Naval Warfare Publications.

The Secretary of Defense defines Information Operations in DOD Directive 3600.1, dated May 2, 2013, as: “The integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.” This definition was incorporated in Joint Pub 1-02 and Naval Warfare Publications.

Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) 3-13 Information Operations, Feb 2014, defines Information Operations as: “the integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.” Paragraph 1-3 states: “Evolving joint and Navy doctrine has refined IO as a discrete warfare area, not just a supporting function or enabling capability, and the IE [information environment] as a valuable and contested part of the battlespace.”

160123-N-PU674-018 PENSACOLA, Fla. (Jan. 23, 2016) Information warfare Sailors from the Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station mentor high school students during CyberThon, an event designed to develop the future cybersecurity workforce. Hosted by the Blue Angels Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, CyberThon challenged the students to play the role of newly hired information technology professionals tasked with defending their company’s network.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Jan. 23, 2016) Information warfare Sailors from the Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station mentor high school students during CyberThon, an event designed to develop the future cybersecurity workforce. Hosted by the Blue Angels Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, CyberThon challenged the students to play the role of newly hired information technology professionals tasked with defending their company’s network.

Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) 3-56, subject: Composite Warfare Commander, Feb 2010, Paragraph 3.7 identifies twenty-three typical functions assigned to the “Information Operations Warfare Commander (IWC)” that are summarized below:

Planning IO, EW, Military Deception, Operations Security, PSYOP, and Spectrum Usage. 

Developing, coordinating, and practicing preplanned responses for counter-surveillance, counter-influence, and counter-targeting in response to changes in the tactical situation.     

Recommending the EMCON profile and coordinating with ASWC to manage acoustic emissions in response to changes in the tactical situation.

Controlling ES and EA assets, and coordinating employment of ES and cryptologic sensors.

Conducting computer Network Defense (CND) and COMSEC monitoring.


Gas Under Gaza

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 01 January 2018 06:43.

Middle East Monitor, “Palestinians discuss development of gas field with Shell”

In February of 2017, The Palestinian Investment Fund (PIF) announced that it has been discussing the development of Gaza Marine Gas Field with Shell, Anadolu has reported.

Gaza Marine is about 30km off the coast of the Gaza Strip in the eastern Mediterranean; it is estimated to contain about 28 million cubic metres of gas.

British Gas bought the concession from the Palestinian Authority in 1999 but the development of the project has been on hold due to Israeli obstacles. Preventing the development of the project is part of the internationally-backed Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip. Shell bought the British Gas stake in Gaza Marine recently, and it is now the main developer of the field.

The Director of the PIF, Mohamed Mustafa, told Anadolu that the current discussions with Shell concentrate on accelerating the development of the project. He noted that there had been a study to connect a pipeline from the field to the sole electricity plant in Gaza. “The most important thing, though, is that we get Israel’s permission for this pipeline because it crosses its land,” he explained.

According to, Shell holds a 90 per cent interest in the field. The stake will reduce to 60 per cent if the PIF and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) decide to exercise their options. PIF and CCC would subsequently hold 30 per cent and 10 per cent interests respectively.

The PIF is a sovereign Palestinian fund with capital of $800 million.

Natural gas in the Gaza Strip
, From Wikipedia:

Significant reserves of natural gas were found offshore from the Gaza Strip. As of early 2015, Gaza’s natural gas was still underwater and the same for almost all of the Levantine gas.[1]


The Palestinians signed a memorandum of intent on November 8, 1999 with British Gas and a company linked to the Palestinian Authority, the Consolidated Contractors Company, giving them rights to explore the area.[2][3] The discovered natural gas reserve was calculated to have 35 BCM, larger than Israel’s Yam Tethys maritime gas field.[3] It was found in two small gas fields dubbed Gaza Marine 1 and Gaza Marine 2.

In 1999, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak set aside exploration of Gaza’s offshore resources for a future Palestinian state, with no prior consultation with Israel stipulated.[2] According to Michael Schwartz, Barak deployed the Israeli navy in Gaza’s coastal waters to impede the implementation of the terms of the modest contract between the Palestinian Authority and British Gas (BG) to develop Gaza’s Mediterranean gas resources.[1] Israel demanded that the Gaza gas be piped to facilities on its territory, and at a price below the prevailing market level[4] and that Israel also control all the (relatively modest) revenues destined for the Palestinians — to prevent the money from being used to “fund terror.” In Schwartz’s view, with this Israeli action the Oslo Accords were officially doomed, because by declaring Palestinian control over gas revenues unacceptable, the Israeli government committed itself to not accepting even the most limited kind of Palestinian budgetary autonomy, let alone full sovereignty. In Schwartz’s view, since no Palestinian government or organization would agree to this, a future filled with armed conflict was assured.[1]


Egyptian “Migrant” Terror Attack in Pennsylvania

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 30 December 2017 00:46.

New Observer, “Egyptian ‘Migrant’ Terror Attack in Pennsylvania”, 25 Dec 2017:

An Egyptian legal immigrant who entered the US on a “chain migrant” visa carried out the triple terrorist attack on police in the Pennsylvanian state capital Harrisburg this week—an attack largely deliberately ignored the by controlled media.

According to a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security, “the suspect involved in a terror attack in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and another suspect arrested on terror-related money laundering charges were both beneficiaries of extended family chain migration.”

The invader, named as Ahmed Amin El-Mofty, was a naturalized U.S. citizen who was admitted to the United States from Egypt on a family-based immigrant visa.

El-Mofty was killed on Friday December 22 in a shootout after opening fire and targeting police at multiple locations in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The Egyptian invader started his attack at the 100 block of State Street, when Ahmed El-Mofty started firing gunshots. He then got into a vehicle and headed off towards the State Capitol Building, rounded a corner and shot several times at a Capitol Police car near Third and Walnut streets.

One shot came “very close” to hitting the officer driving, but he was able to escape without injury, according to Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico.

About 30 minutes later, El-Mofty fired several shots at a Pennsylvania State Police trooper. The officer suffered minor injuries and was chased by the shooter more than a mile to Allison Hill near the intersection of 17th and Mulberry streets. By then more officers had converged on scene and killed El-Mofty in the resulting shootout.

“The long chain of migration that led to the suspect’s admission into the United States was initiated years ago by a distant relative of the suspect. One of the most recent links in that chain was an extended family member admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa,” the DHS statement said.

“Separately, Zoobia Shahnaz, who has been charged with laundering bitcoins to support ISIS, is a naturalized U.S. citizen who came to the United States from Pakistan on an F43 visa.

“The F43 visa is available to the children of F41 visa holders who were sponsored by other family members that obtained citizenship.”

Hermeneutic construction of Putin and Trump’s character, positions and relation:

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 December 2017 05:38.

Correction: I spoke too soon about Timothy Snyder being an anti-nationalist, and I did that in light of his estimation that Britain and France were not really nations while they were empires, that their “nationhoods” were creations of post hoc political convenience. Nevertheless, to say that he is against nationalism would not be correct, since in fact he sees the weak state and the destruction of the state as that which abets genocide.

Snyder’s characterology of how Putin’s and Trump’s positions have emerged in fairly conjoint construction is uncanny…

As such he does make of himself a useful idiot in that he exposes one side of the YKW equation - the specific origin and characters of their right wing cohorts, Putin and Trump.

Youtube, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It: Masha Gessen Talks Autocracy with Timothy Snyder”, 12 July 2017:
As his fellow Trump/Putin critic, (((Masha Gessen))) would suggest, we would miss the truth of these characters, more like mafia dons than statesmen, if we were to maintain a policy of sheer fact checking. Because essentially, they don’t care. They both have a cynical world view and it is about power - logical consistency is for the naive. By contrast to that, one must have the courage and confidence to tell the true story -

Youtube, “Chatham House Primer: Modern Authoritarianism”, 30 Oct 2017:

This guy, (Ivan) Ilyin, I think was a very interesting philosopher; he is kind of the grandfather of the current Russian “fascism.”  Current Russian “fascists” like Alexander Dugin are a little jealous of him and say that he just serves a technical function in the Kremlin and he’s not that interesting. I think he’s interesting. One of his ideas is that for Russia to have a leader, that person has to be free of history, which is a high demand.

He (Ilyin) was a right-wing Hegelian ...his whole idea was that god created the world and that was a mistake. It’s an interesting view, those of you who know anything about Orthodox theology know that there are references… god created the world, it was a mistake, the factuality of the world is itself sinful, history is itself sinful, contingency, to use the technical term, contingency is sinful, all these facts and passions we have, they’re inherently sinful.

So, in order for Russia to be rescued it has to be rescued by someone who is somehow clean of history.

It has to be a redeemer who comes from beyond history.

What I find so interesting is that this actually happened in a way.

The place that is not history is fiction.

When Mr. Putin came to power, Surkov and the others in the Kremlin literally had a kind of game and then a public opinion poll where they tried to figure out which Russian fictional character would be most attractive to Russians. They came up with this character (Max Otto von) Stierlitz, who was a double agent and a person in a novel, and in a film, in the 70’s, who was a Russian spy who spoke German. That’s why they chose Mr. Putin. So, he literally .. this true people! This is the world we live in. So he literally came from fiction.

Then you connect Mr. Putin to Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is Not a successful real estate developer! That never happened. Mr. Trump bankrupted six companies. He owed billions of dollars to, I think, seventy banks. Until, low and behold, some nice Russians came and said, ‘hey, why don’t you just put your name on some buildings and we’ll give you money for that, and we will build the buildings - which then became his business plan. Which is a great (((business plan))) if you can get it.

Rob Goldstone relaxing, chatting with Trump

The Miss Universe pageant. How did he run (((the Miss Universe pageant)))? The Russians gave him twenty million dollars and he showed up. Which is a great business plan if you can do it.

So, a fictional Russian character comes to power and then creates a fictional American character called Mr. Trump. This happened!

Once the Russians had bailed him out, he then appeared on American television, on celebrity apprentice, playing a successful real estate developer - which he never was.

But as a character, he was great, he could say, “you’re fired!” in a really convincing way.

So, one fictional character then creates another fictional character. And that fictional character also comes to power. ..with the help of all kinds of fictional devices, mostly delivered through the internet.  So there really is an interesting problem of (((genre))) going on in our life.

Hindu women forced to convert to Islam while mass graves of their Hindu men discovered in Rakhine

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 26 December 2017 06:11.

India Today reports on the forced conversion to Islam of Rakhine Hindus in the Bangladesh refugee camps and the discovery of Hindu mass graves in Rakhine by the Myanmar security services. This report dates from September and has gone unnoticed in the West. I found it as the latest entry on the Facebook account of Shwe Eain Si, so the girl obviously hasn’t given up the fight. Good for her.

                    - Mancinblack


Goyim!?! It’s an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’ That’s your Christmas present I guess.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 December 2017 08:31.

Millennial Woes Talks to Mike Isaacson, 24 Dec 2017:

Mike Isaacs: So, yeah, so the point is that ultimately, the issue is not a matter of ethnicity or nationality, the issue is that we have a social system, an economic system that perpetuates this kind of continued defamation of anyone who isn’t of the ruling class.
Millennial Woes: Ah, well, or you could say that it’s to do with rich Jews, ah..
Mike Isaacs:...n-no ... It’s rich, it’s rich like uh rich goyim too.
Millennial Woes: Goyim!?!
Mike Isaacs: Uh, yeah, uh, yeah that is the word I used. It is an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’ Uhm, that was your Christmas present I guess, I don’t know…

And of course what Isaacson is saying is true - the problem is rich goyim as well - and in their case, they deserve that title when they are complicit with selling out their ethnic genetic interests.

The problem is that neither side is allowing for a White Left, its steady ethno nationalist perspective - which would provide not only a steady perspective on the antagonism of the YKW, but a steady perspective on susceptibilities to elite betrayal.

A fundamental problem with MW is that while he does well in assembling pre-manufactured components, it is his wont therefore, he’s accepted, in fact has insisted upon, the terminological schematic that he’s been handed to assemble .. and it has been provided by the YKW to allow them a back door.

That aside for the moment, he’s conducted a ‘Millenniyule’ of sixty some odd intelligent and informative conversations with people concerned for ethnonationalism in one way or another - unfortunately, with the Alt-Right brand, but we’ll be advancing our more sound platform in days to come…

We’ll be addressing these matters, but lets first give credit where credit is due - this was one of the better moments:

MW(42:00): That’s interesting. Why is that you are against Israel?

Mike Isaacs: That’ primarily because I’m an anarchist, so I’m against all states.

MW: I imagine the Jews in Israel wouldn’t like you very much.

Mike Isaacs: Well there are anti-Zionist Jews who grew up there; and that’s their country right now; and also I don’t like ethnostates, in particular.

I think the Palestinian people deserve the right to happiness, a fulfilling life, freedom without persecution.

MW: Yeah, you know, it’s too bad for the Palestinians really, I have no position on this one way or the other. It’s not my problem, really.

Mike Isaacs: That’s so easy to say…like at the end of the day, that fact that Palestinians are in captivity means just like your goverment is in alliance with the Israelis to keep them that way so, if they can like..

MW: Oh, well I’d rather we didn’t ...

Mike Isaacs: You help the system to make money. This is how the system operates. They expect us to turn a blind eye to other people’s problems.

MW: Hold on a minute. You and I are in agreement here. I don’t want us to be sending any money to Israel. With their high I.Q. they should be able to deal with this themselves, make money and all the rest of it… so I don’t think there is a need for us to be sending aid money to them. You know, I agree with you, so I don’t like being implicated, or my people being implicated in these things.

Mike Isaacs: It’s not about implicating your people. This is what I’m trying to get the point across with.. it’s that your people are actively harmed. ..because your people are ultimately in a position, and when I say your people, I mean working class people…

MW: I’m not working class, but anyway, go on…

Mike Isaacs: Ok, but anyway, the common people, of Britain, they are ultimately at the mercy of the people who rule them .. the politicians who are in the pockets of big financiers…and big executives.. uhm, and those people continually profit from the bondage of the Palestinian people. The British weapons industry makes money by virtue of this foreign aid going to Israel then coming back in the form of weapons purchase. The Unites States is even more so…The United States is a huge funder not only of Israel but also of Egypt…
MW: I must say, I am delighted that we’ve found something that we can agree on, Mike, this is really nice…I totally share your views on this…
Mike Isaacs: So, yeah, so the point is that ultimately, the issue is not a matter of ethnicity or nationality, the issue is that we have a social system, an economic system that perpetuates this kind of continued defamation of anyone who isn’t of the ruling class.

MW: Ah, well, or you could say that it’s to do with rich Jews, ah..
Mike Isaacs...n-no…It’s rich, it’s rich like uh rich goyim too.  MW: Goyim!?!
Mike Isaacs: uh, yeah, uh, yeah that is the word I used. It is an easy way to say ‘non-Jew.’
...Uhm, that was your Christmas present I guess, I don’t know…

Who could have believed that Martha Stewart was this disgusting?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 December 2017 06:01.

Though this article posted at Alt-Right doesn’t do much good with the topic - quite to the contrary, it seems suspiciously conciliatory and accepting - the headline is nevertheless accurate:

“Martha Stewart And Snoop Dogg Herald End Of An Old America.”


Alt-Right Guest Blogger, “Martha Stewart And Snoop Dogg Herald End Of An Old America”,

The ol’ gal just had to try and stay hip and relevant.

Submitted by Norman Burgundy

As many of us are nervously watching our waists while eye-balling leftover pumpkin pie and other fatty foods in the fridge in the odd, frantic period between Thanksgiving and Christmas (which used to be called “Advent”), Martha Stewart, the queen of American home decor and official gatekeeper of (mostly white) American holiday dinners, has inaugurated the 2017 holiday season by launching a television show with a former convicted drug dealer, pimp, and hip artist who claims to smoke 80 marijuana joints a day.


Yes, but, upon further reflection, not really, for the story of the rise and fall of Martha Stewart from fashion model and media mogul to single and visibly depressed old lady is the story of the rise and fall of America in our boring, depressed, and degenerate but still tolerably tasteful age.

Rising from a notoriously hot-tempered basement run catering service boss to the head of a global media empire, Martha Stewart, ironically the daughter of Polish parents, kept alive the last flames of American wholesome WASPness in the 90s and into the 21st century. Martha’s flagship magazine Martha Stewart Living, filled with recipes for “Slow Cooker Pot-Roast” and guides for “Reusable Lunch Bags” became a sort of Bible for stuff white people like and made sure that the comfy cozy Eisenhauer America won by the greatest generation at least made it through era of George W Bush and the iphone.

Martha Stewart in her prime was a living icon for American whiteness. Martha had a knack for mom things that made them cool and even “feminist”–but not in a gross cat lady librarian sort of way. Martha transcended political barriers and made even such boring white people things like “DIY Lip Balm” and “Preserving Fall Leaves” seem chic and attractive. Her holiday specials were always splendidly and triumphantly white with tables full of “Perfect Roast Turkey” and the very goyish “Glazed Holiday Ham.”

I will take my point of departure from there. Why?

Because the article goes on to take a strangely sympathetic, hypnotic and reassuring position - for the enemies of our people. For example -

On the show, despite Martha moments, Snoop’s black cat charm largely makes Martha look like the confused and angry white neighbor who is forced to deal with the nouveau riche homeboy next door.

- and the article concludes:

On the campy and awkward, “Martha and Snoopy’s Potluck Dinner Party,” Martha Stewart, once the platinum blonde queen of the American home, has become like a formerly mighty circus bear who is awkwardly trotted out in front of a nervous crowd that revers more the memory of what she once was than what is before their very eyes.

However, at home on the pages of her elegant magazine and her very tasteful and very, um, white-looking website, Martha is still Martha, ready with a tray of delicious holiday treats and a perfected warmly WASP accent.

While our country goes down the diversity drain and Christmas seems less Christmasy every year, we can be sure that all of Martha Stewart’s days will be merry and bright and all her Christmases will be very white.

So lets get down to brass tacks:

One might have left Martha Stewart a possible out, that she was going-with a bit of nervous levity in the Justin Bieber roast, fraught as it was with negro gutter “humor”, in order to ease past a particularly straight-forward and sickening query of the negro, Snoop Dogg, under the guise of more “humor.”

What I (Snoop Dogg) wanna’ know is have you (Natasha Leggero) ever sucked a black dick, you fox? No, I really wanna know! Martha Stewart (applauds and smiles, apparently thinks this is delightful) along with plenty of Whites in attendance.
Natasha Leggero

Though he admitted that he seriously wanted to know.

The episode that I’m referring to was at the Justin Bieber roast. You can’t find it on Youtube now. Someone must have realized (unlike Martha) that it was that offensive:

Snoop Dogg: “What I wanna’ know is have you ever sucked a black dick, you fox?”

Martha Stewart: claps, smiles and laughs.

Snoop Dogg: “No, I really wanna know!”

For Martha Stewart to go on some years later to become a full-on ally in his cause, to become a conduit of mulatto supremacist b.j. machines?

After Martha Stewart was born in the funk of Jersey City, New Jersey, her family moved to the all White Nutley, New Jersey - a White enclave protected as such despite the climate of “civil rights” and black nightmare cities such as East Orange and Newark, encroaching just adjacent to Nutley.

She took this for granted and there is no excuse for her. She is a disgusting pig.

In a most public forum and on stage, what Snoop Dogg would like to know from Natasha Leggero.

Am I stodgy traditionalist? Hardly. But I do remember a time (as recently as the 70’s and early 80’s) when you did not see White woman with blacks - not in public, anyway, because White men would not accept it, and White women knew it wasn’t cool, they had a sense of how irresponsibly destructive it would be. I live in a city, a White city, where it is still uncommon to see these pairings. That is to say, I know that it is possible and realistic to not have to put up with this. And that’s the way it should be with our countries: If women want to be with blacks, if they think it it’s funny, a light and breezy matter, their absolute prerogative in dalliance, let them go live with them - in their countries, under their governments. Don’t dare make us support these pairings and their offspring.

Swedes Take To Streets in Protest upon being told to stay inside after series of rapes

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 December 2017 06:02.

DM, “Hundreds protest in Sweden after police told women to ‘stay inside or walk in pairs’ after series of violent gang rapes of teenage girls”, 20 Dec 2017:

- Three gang rapes in less than a month have taken place in Malmo, Sweden
- This weekend, a 17-year-old girl was brutally gang raped in a playground
- After the most recent rape, police advised that women should not go out alone
- Hundreds took to the streets to protest the violence and police action

Fighting back: Protesters demanded that the government take action against rapists and that police do more to protect women in Sweden

Hundreds took to the streets of Malmo in southern Sweden to protest after three teenage girls were brutally gang raped - and police told women to stay indoors.

The most recent incident involved a 17-year-old girl who was raped by an unknown number of assailants in a children’s playground in the early hours of Saturday.

Anger: A protester holds up a placard during the demonstration in central Malmo yesterday (photo TT News Agency/ AP)

The following day, Malmo police issued a warning to local women not to go outside alone at night, and to walk in pairs or use taxis.

Anger: Hundreds marched through Malmo in southern Sweden on Tuesday to protest against the police response to three violent gang rapes of teenage girls

The first rape took place on November 4, and saw a young woman raped by several assailants after a party in Segevång, north Malmo.

Just over a week later, a woman was attacked and raped by a number of men at a bus stop in Södervärn, central Malmo.

Saturday’s rape took place just a few streets away in Sofielund, and saw the 17-year-old attacked by a group of men in a playground.

‘This is a horrible, particularly severe crime with exceedingly brutal violence,’ Andy Roberts, head of area police in North Malmo told Helsinborg’s Dagblad.

He would not give the newspaper details of the violence the victim was subjected to, but added: ‘There are limits, even for me, as an old experienced police officer.’ 

Wave: Three young women have been gang raped in Malmo in less than three weeks by ‘young men unknown to them’

A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers.

Police say that while there is no obvious connection between the rapes, it cannot be ruled out as investigations are still ongoing.

All three incidents took place between midnight and 3am and assailants were all young men unknown to the victims, Sydsvenskan reports.

Yesterday’s protest, filmed by a participant, saw demonstrators demand police protection, tougher punishment and that the government step in and push through proposed legislation on consent.

Bearing placards with messages such as ‘no rapists on our streets’ and ‘Stefan Lofven, take your responsibility’, directed at the country’s Prime Minister, hundreds of protesters gathered in Malmo on Tuesday evening.

‘I never thought I would be scared to walk around in my hometown,’ one of the speakers Sara Wettergren said according to Kvallsposten.

Upset: A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers

Referring to the famous gang rape of a young student in Delhi in 2012, she added; ‘In India the perpetrators were convicted. In Sweden they walk free.’

In the wake of the #MeToo debate and the recent gang rapes, the issue of sexual violence against women is going to be a key issue ahead of next year’s general election in Sweden.

The protesters in Malmo outlined a series of demands on the Swedish government: tougher punishment for rapes, a Minster of Justice with competence in sexual violence issues and a National Police Commissioner ‘who cares about women’.

The demonstrators were also protesting police advice that women stay indoors, which was issued on Sunday. ‘It’s about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,’ said Anders Nilsson of Malmo police who is leading the preliminary investigation.

After a national backlash, Malmo police retracted their statement come Monday, with Mr Nilsson saying he had been ‘clumsy’ choosing his words.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 00:42. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 17:26. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 15:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 14:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 14:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 12:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 12:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 10:01. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 05:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Thu, 21 Mar 2024 05:14. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 11:42. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 11:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:41. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:21. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 09:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 09:13. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 06:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 06:09. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 05:41. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 05:24. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 02:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Mon, 18 Mar 2024 23:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:31. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On Spengler and the inevitable' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 23:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 13:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:27. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 08:34. (View)

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